Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Another great day at Journey Church on Sunday.
Labels: worship set
Posted by Josh Via at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Great day yesterday at The Creek Church in Cary, NC. Our first time out there with Pastor Matt Rice. They're doing an amazing job reaching northwest Cary with the Gospel and have only been at it for one year now. Check out their 1-year video on youtube. We're excited to partner with them more in the days to come. Tasha and I flew the duo this week. I love my band.
We played:
1. The Solid Rock (trad. hymn)
2. Marvelous Light (Hall)
3. Glory to God (Fee)
4. We Are Yours (Hall)
5. Come Thou Fount (hymn)
Labels: explosive churches, worship set
Posted by Josh Via at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
God Be Praised - Recap
Well, it's about time I brought you up-to-speed with the live recording last Friday night. It was an amazing night of worship with Journey Church of Raleigh, NC at The Worship Center in Durham, NC. The theme of the night, "God Be Praised" was more than a theme, it was a reality that we all experienced. It was more than a recording or an event. It was a night where hurting people came to experience the overwhelming love of God and to worship the everlasting Creator of the universe, the One who reigns forever.
One young man came up to me after the night was over and told me how much he needed that. He came in broken and with the baggage of sin in his life, and he said that from the first strum of the first chord he felt the Lord's presence and felt His forgiveness, restoration, mercy and grace in a such a fresh way. It was indeed a night to remember and a night for which we give God all the praise and glory. God Be Praised!
Watch for the CD to be released in just a few short months.The worship set included:
1. I'm Not Ashamed (Hillsong)
2. Yours Forever (Hillsong)
3. King on His Way (Via's - Journey original)
4. God of Our Salvation (Adam Neal - Journey original)
5. Overcome (New Life Worship)
6. The Stand (Hillsong)
7. Arms Open Wide/In Your Freedom (Hillsong)
8. God Be Praised (Via's - Journey original)
9. With Everything (Hillsong)
10. We Shine (Fee)
11. Sing, Sing, Sing (Tomlin)
Labels: recaps, recording, worship set
Posted by Josh Via at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Church history in our back yard
Yesterday on our way into Baltimore to visit someone at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Pastor Chris took us by the oldest church in Maryland, Sater's Church. Established in 1742 by some of the earliest American settlers, Sater's Church seeps with history. Call me old, but I love history, especially church history. Walking through the cemetery was one of the coolest things I've done in a long time--reading what was written on the tomb stones and imagining what it must have been like to have been a follower of Christ in those early unsettled days of our country--imagining what it must have been like to step foot on a country that granted religious freedom. That's a pretty awesome thought.
The vault of a Revolutionary War soldier
How awesome to be remembered this way!
Labels: Christian heroes
Posted by Josh Via at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 02, 2009
We had a great day yesterday here in Hampstead, MD. I'm here all week with my Dad at Hampstead Baptist Church. Sunday morning I led worship for their second campus on the other end of town - "The Mount." The building itself must be at least a hundred years old with beautiful gothic architecture and amazing acoustics on the inside. For leading with acoustic guitar, this place was perfect! Loved it. Had a really great time with their people. Tasha stayed home from this trip due to all the craziness in our lives right now. I miss her.
We sang:
1. Victory in Jesus
2. Worthy of My Priase (Passion)
3. How Great is Our God (Tomlin)
4. From the Inside Out (Hillsong)
5. The Wonder (J & T)
I'll try to recap the Live Worship Recording from Journey possibly tomorrow. But in a nutshell, the Lord met with us!
Labels: recaps, worship set
Posted by Josh Via at 11:16 PM 0 comments