Sunday, May 18, 2008

Worship 5.17.08

Today at Southbrook Church:

1. Kingdom Come (this was the preliminary test for this new one of mine and I felt pretty good about it. I wrote it out of a sense of urgency -- the fact that we desperately need a mighty move of God's hand in this land -- a revival -- a spiritual awakening -- that we might be desperate for God to move in this land again, bringing masses of lost souls into His kingdom and awaking His Church out of our apathetic slumber.

I woke up one morning with the verse in my head (melody and lyrics) pretty much straight from Isaiah 45:8. It rarely happens that way for me, but it's cool when it does. Here are the lyrics:

Salvation's rising from the ground. Hearts are stirring at the sound. His voice steady raising dead hearts, breathing in new life. Righteousness pouring from the clouds is the rain that heals the ground, dry and weary from no water, pleading toward Your sky.
Sound the alarm, make it loud in our hearts
Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done, pour out Your Spirit in this barren land.
Let salvation's song sing over hearts of stone. O, Lord, we're desperate for a move of Your hand.

2. Sing, Sing, Sing (new one off the Passion God of This City CD. Great tune to do corporately!)
3. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name/Raise Up the Crown (trad. Chris Tomlin, Passion Hymns CD.)
4. Majesty (Delirious, Charlie Hall version)


Stephen Hardy said...

I like these lyrics.

Especially, "Sound the alarm, make it loud in our hearts".

It's cool when God works this way---you wake up and it's all right there in your head. I guess it helps to remind us that everything is from God: lyrics, music, talent, etc.